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Pandani Bushwalking Club
EST. in 1992 and walking for pleasure ever since

Events Program

Icon Trip Organiser Start Date Start Time Duration Grade Walk Distance Description
Single Day Hiking Bluff River Gorge Loop (Mentored Walk) Tom Finney Tuesday 15 October 2024 08:00 4-5 hours walking Medium 11km

*** Rescheduled walk from the one postponed 27 August 2024 due to inclement weather

From our meeting point in Sorell we will take two vehicles to the start point just west of Buckland, about 40 minutes drive away.  The 11km anti-clockwise loop walk initially descends into the floor of the narrow sandstone gorge, crosses the river and climbs to the top of the opposite side passing numerous sandstone cliffs and several caves.  After traversing the cliff tops the track descends into the gorge floor once more, crosses the river again and climbs to the opposite ridge top passing more sandstone cliffs before returning to the vehicles.  There are obvious scenic spots for tea and lunch breaks along the way.  If there has been recent rain there is a possibility of wet feet on the short second river crossing.  A trekking pole may also be useful if the track is a bit slippery in places.  Overall it is a glorious scenic loop walk!

Category Image Lunch at Salmon Ponds Viv Evans Wednesday 16 October 2024 10:00 3-5 with lunch Easy 1-2 km

We will meet at Tynwald Park and car pool to The Salmon Ponds.  We will have time to wander the beautiful gardens looking at the all of the trout ponds.  The hatchlings should also be available to be viewed.  We’ll then have lunch before heading home.

Single Day Hiking Cape Surville, Forestier Peninsula Tom Finney Thursday 17 October 2024 08:30 3 hours walking Easy - Medium 7km

Walk to the small peak at the end of Cape Surville via the little used walking track from close to the end of Hylands Road, Murdunna

UPDATE AFTER DRIVING HYLANDS ROAD 9/10/24:  As I suspected Hylands Road is pretty (very in places!) rough and clearly doesn't get much love from either Council or PWS.  Having said that I still feel it gives better access to Cape Surville than via Macgregors Peak, which is much longer and a bit tedious.  So I'm proposing we access via Hylands Road.  Hoping that at least one other person in the group has a 4WD or AWD that they don't mind taking in most, of not all, of the way.  It's not the kind of road for your new sedan with low profile tyres and metallic paintwork but the equivalent of a Rav 4 or Forester would suffice.  Worst case we get in as far as we can with what's available and I do a bit of a shuttle run with my Prado to save a few kms of road walking.  Rest assured, the walk is a really good walk, the hardest bit is getting there in the first place!  Hopefully none of this has put anyone off!!

Single Day Hiking Carlton Bluff Circuit Sarah Atkinson Saturday 19 October 2024 10:00 5 Hours Easy - Medium 6

 We will meet at the car park as listed in Sorell before driving to Primrose Sands.  Parking the cars at Frogmouth Lane we will head down to the Carlton River and head off in an anticlockwise direction to walk around the bluff. This walk is tracked to begin with, but we will need to make our own way along the shoreline and cliffs to get back around to Primrose Sands beach to the cars. Expect some uneven ground, a little bit of rock hopping and some negotiating through some scrub and Causarina forest. If it is low tide, we may scramble down to the rocky beach as we approach the end of our walk. 

Single Day Hiking Four Bays Along the Derwent David Reeve Tuesday 22 October 2024 09:30 4.5 hrs Easy - Medium 10

Starting from Montrose Bay, we will follow the shoreline of the Derwent River south, concluding at Cornelian Bay. On the way, we will skirt four bays, each different in character, and a range of features in between - artistic, industrial, historical and recreational. We will see a variety of water birds. There's not a lot of bush, but there are some great views. 

If you know others who are coming, you might like to arrange for one person to leave their car at Cornelian Bay car park, then travel together to the Meeting Point at Montrose Bay. I will try to pre-organise that via text or email prior to the walk. 

Single Day Hiking Chimera Daywalk Simon Kendrick Thursday 24 October 2024 06:00 5 to 6 hours + drive Medium - Hard 9-10km

We missed The Chimera, 1111m, as we passed on our Cheyne Range & Gell circuit bushwalk, it's time to go back. Leave Hobart early, drive to Derwent Bridge, and onto Rufus Canal Road. Follow a fisherman's pad to Lake Dixon, move up the valley, crossing the Franklin River at our earliest opportunity. Crossing the Franklin River could be interesting and possibly involve a wade - anticipate wet socks. Climb up through forest to the summit of The Chimera. The summit is vegetated but I believe there are reasonable views. After lunch on the summit we'll retrace our route back to the car(s). Anticipate mud, water crossings, forest, scrub, more scrub and about 750m of vertical over the day. Note; I've walked bits of this before, but not all of it. Preference will be given to Members I've previously walked with and those who are likely to cope with the anticipated challenges of the day.

Single Day Hiking Mt Olympus & Mt Othrys Joseph Roach Thursday 24 October 2024 06:00 4 days Medium - Hard 30kms

The aim is to walk in on the Overland Track to a point near Echo Point Hut and then head up the east side of Mt Olympus, negotiating our way through the small cliff lines to reach Lake Oenone.  We could camp there, although if the weather forecast is good and we have time we can also camp right on top of the range.  

On Day Two we will do a day scramble to Mt Othrys and summit South Olympus.  Again, depending on weather and time we could move camp to the northern end of the plateau.

On Day Three we will climb the true summit - North Olympus.  There are several options here.  If we have packed up camp we can continue down the boulder field on the northwest side of North Olympus down to a small cirque and plateau, and contour around down to Byron Gap and then back to either Lake Petrarch or Echo Point for our last night.  Or if we have made it a day trip we will head back to our camp and down to Lake Echo - or just spend another night on top.

Then back to Cynthia Bay and home on Day Four.  

Overnight - multi-day Mount Sedgwick Peter Murphy Saturday 26 October 2024 06:00 3 days Medium - Hard 25

This multi-day walk starts from the Anthony Road and will include a camp on the east side of the Tyndalls at about 950 metres. The only objective from there is Mount Sedgwick. (Abel 125). While this is intended to be fairly cruisy, it will involve a variety of conditions that are part of this predominantly off-track excursion.  This area is magnificent in the right weather with spectacular views of the Eldons, Frenchmans, Dundas and Zeehan.  We’ll walk about 5 km in (and out) while climbing 500 m to get to the campsite. Sedgewick is a big day from the campsite being about 8 kilometres away.

Single Day Hiking Fortescue Bay Geoff Buckman Sunday 27 October 2024 08:30 4-5 hrs Easy - Medium 10-12 km

Fortescue Bay on the Tasman Peninsular has a fine sandy beach. We shall probably take our boots off and let our hot feet cool in  the water on the way back. Canoe Bay and Bivouac Bay are two rocky inlets to the north and our walk will link all three bays. Apart from the Fortescue Bay beach, the walking track lies within forest although water views are frequent. The track is in good condition and is part of the Tasman Track, a much longer track from beyond Tatnells Hill to the north. We shall follow the track from the beach to probably Dolomieu Point, then return the same way. There are a couple of spots where hill climbs are involved but we will take our time. Morning tea and lunch will be taken as appropriate. There may not be much time for coffee after this walk as our walk from Fortescue Bay Beach will commence about 10.15am and we should return to the shared cars at Fortescue Bay at approx. 3.00 pm. Please note that vehicles used in our car shuffle will need a current National Parks permit.

Single Day Hiking Mt Lloyd Sarah Atkinson Tuesday 29 October 2024 10:00 3-4 hours Easy - Medium 8km

We will meet at New Norfolk before getting into no more than 3 cars as the parking a the start of the track is very limited.  We make our way across private land for which we have permission.  We join onto a fire trail for the ascent up the hill. It is quite steep at the top and can be very slippery if it is damp or raining so be prepared. If it is clear, we should have some good views in all directions from the Southwest to the Derwent valley.  If we have time when we get back to the cars we may head to New Norfolk for a coffee or an ice cream.

Single Day Hiking Lake Nicholls Rosemary Yeoland Thursday 31 October 2024 08:00 4 hours approx Easy - Medium Approx 5km

This walk starts approximately 9.5 km up Lake Dobson Road (Park Pass necessary). It is a short walk about 4.5 km with an initial steepish climb. There is a side track to Beatties Tarn followed by a walk on a glacial morain ridge to Lake Nicholls. Time permitting we may follow later with a walk to Russell and Horseshoe Falls.

Single Day Hiking Pillans Lake Huts Belinda Jefferies Friday 01 November 2024 09:00 3 days, 2 nights Easy - Medium 15km

A four hut alpine lake adventure!

This could be fun or it could be awful, but lets give it a go. We will be walking in on the 4WD Pillans Lake track so expect slightly boring but easy going track. Lots of mud, lots of boulders and a few river crossings.

First hut is the old shepards hut, Allisons Hut, which I expect might be our lunch spot. The current custodians of this hut are the Mountain Cattlemans Association. We will then continue on to Kerrisons Hut which will be our base camp.

On Saturday we will wander around to the Lake Field and Pillans Lake Huts.

Kerrisons Hut was a summer renovation project of the Mountain Huts Preservation Society and I know the roof wont leak as Stuie and I have re-lined it! There is also a woodheater currently being installed BUT… you must bring a tent and be prepared to sleep in it.

There are no toilet facilities so bring a spade.

Single Day Hiking Springs - upper Kunanyi circuit including Yellow Paint Track Urszula Stanny Saturday 02 November 2024 08:30 7 Medium 14

If you enjoy a steep scramble of “190m of up” on rocks, and pushing through scrub over-growing the track as respite from the rocks, then you will find this to be a lot of fun. You will be negotiating some low hanging branches at the start of the Yellow Paint part of the walk.
We will meet and start the walk at the Lower Springs car park, and follow various mountain tracks to the Chalet.
The Yellow Paint track is a little used, unmarked, but reasonably well cairned, track behind the Chalet and ends up near the top of the Panorama track.
I have heard of it as the Yellow Paint track but I’ve never seen signs of Yellow paint .
I have also heard it referred to as the Sassafras track because of a lone sassafras along the route. We did spot that on my last club walk there, but I missed it on my last fun scramble up that way. So it will be something to keep an eye out for.
We’ll head to the summit observation shelter and after lunch come down the ZigZag track and complete a circuit back to the Springs.

Single Day Hiking Mt Wedge Clive Calver Sunday 03 November 2024 08:00 5 hrs Medium 7 km

There is a 130 km drive to the start point on the Gordon River Road. Initially there is a gentle but steady climb through forest, before becoming rocky and steeper and opening out before following an alpine ridge. There will be mud, and some rock hopping, as well as potentially alpine weather conditions.  The walk is only 7 km return but will take us 4 - 5 hours. The summit is 1146 m and weather permitting we should have great views in all directions.

Single Day Hiking Ryton Hills Botanical Ramble Christine Wilson Tuesday 05 November 2024 08:30 5 hours Easy - Medium Approx 8

Ryton Hills are part of a Tasmanian Land Conservancy reserve on the eastern bank of the Prosser River near Orford, and in Spring should have a particularly impressive array of wild flowers. Meet Chris at Sorell and 45 mins later, Bob, at the start of Brockley Rd, 3k outside Buckland. So, let's amble, ramble, loiter and sojourn in grassy woodland and share information knowledge and experiences in the Biota and landscape that we like to walk. Chris will bring some botanical guides.

Expect an elevation gain of perhaps 200 meters, sticks, rocks, grass seeds, leeches, so bring your gaiters. A walk of perhaps 8 kilometers and let's share our learning experience after, with a gathering with some refreshments, feel free to contribute as you wish.

Single Day Hiking Gellibrand Drive, circuit, lunch Foreshore Tavern Viv Evans Wednesday 06 November 2024 10:00 3-5 with lunch Easy 4-6

We will car pool from Lauderdale to the start of the walk.  This is an easy walk with very little hills.  We’ll follow some of the Tangara Trail tracks through some nice bush along the way.  When back at our cars we’ll head to the Foreshore Tavern for lunch.

Single Day Hiking Weilangta Forest Walk- Sandspit Reserve Lee McLean Thursday 07 November 2024 08:30 3-4 hours Easy - Medium 8km

After meeting at Station St Sorell at 8.30 we will car pool to start of walk, probably re-grouping at Orford.(unless the road from Copping is greatly improved). About 70km with 15km of gravel.

We will walk from the remnants of the old timber town, Weilangta (Weilangta="tall trees") where there is a grave of a young child killed in an explosion. The timber mill operated from 1911 to 1924 with cut trees carted on trams to the coast at Rheban.

The walk passes through some beautiful rain forest and ferns and climbs to more open forest near the Sandspit Reserve Picnic area where we will have morning tea or lunch, depending on the time.  There may be a creek crossing. (easy) We will return to cars via the same route. There is an optional short walk through a delightful fern forest near the picnic area.

As it is quite a short walk there may be time to drive to Earlham (on the way back to Orford)  for a stroll along the beach where we may see pelicans, swans, dotterel, oyster catchers -but probably not the rare visiting King Penguin.

Coffee at Earlham? Or Orford?

For events that are mentored West coast base camp: Mt Jukes Traverse and Mt Huxley (mentored walk with Simon K) Kym Blechynden Friday 08 November 2024 15:00 2 days plus travel Medium - Hard 40

We will meet on Friday 8th November, setting up basecamp at Lake Burbury or Darwin Dam campsite (or choose an option in nearby Queenstown if you wish). Those that live close by may wish to drive up Saturday morning to meet the rest of the group though it will be a very early walk start and long walking day.

There will be an early start on Saturday to climb Mt Jukes (an Abel) as well as several HWC peaks along the Jukes Traverse including Proprietary Peak, West Jukes and Pyramid Peak. This is a steep climb and long day of 9 plus hours walking with a quick pace, including off track and scrub, and the views on a clear day will be stunning. This is a mentored walk, led by Kym with Simon as mentor.

Day 2 will be a hike up Mt Huxley led by Simon (with Kym as Walk assistant) ,expect 7 plus hours of hiking and 24km distance before we drive back to our home bases.

Both Simon and Kym have climbed Jukes and Proprietary Peak before, and Kym has stayed at both campsites.


Single Day Hiking Wylds Crag and Mt Shakespeare Joseph Roach Saturday 09 November 2024 06:30 2 Days Medium - Hard 20kms

Wylds Crag and the less frequently visited Mt Shakespeare stand at the head of the Florentine Valley.  I have been to Wylds a very long time ago, but have yet to be closely acquainted with the Bard. 

The walk in involves a steep climb on a reasonable track, but might be overgrown and subject to windfall.  Once we gain Goodwin's Moor we will decide whether to climb Wyld's straight away (probably not), or push on to Lakes Laurel and Daphne where we will camp.  Mt Shakespeare is about four hours return from our campsite - and scrub is expected.   

We may climb Mt Shakespeare late on Saturday, if there is enough time, or be up early on Sunday.  Either way we will climb it and then head back and collect Wyld's Crag if we have not already done so.  The views from Wyld's is well worth the effort.

Single Day Hiking South Wellington Circuit Clive Calver Sunday 10 November 2024 09:00 6 hrs Medium 13 km

We will head south along the Milles Track and check in at Disappearing Tarn for morning tea. At the Potato Fields, we branch off on a rough track that winds up through the snow gums to South Wellington. Then back to the Springs via the Ice House Track. The tracks are rough and rocky and there is some boulder hopping. Meet at Lower Springs Car Park, ready to depart by 9am.

Single Day Hiking Shipstern Bluff & Tunnel Bay Circuit Urszula Stanny Tuesday 12 November 2024 08:00 6 Medium 12

This will be a circuit, starting on private property, which allows public access to Tunnel Bay. After morning tea at Tunnel Bay we will head along National Park tracks to Shipstern Bluff for lunch. You will get some lovely views and different interesting terrains on the way around.
We will be mostly on a good track with maybe some muddy patches depending on the weather in the previous weeks. There is a descent to Tunnel Bay and quite a steep descent on formed stairs to Shipstern Bluff. And of course we have to come back up.

Single Day Hiking Geilston Bay to Lindisfarne the scenic way John Counsell Wednesday 13 November 2024 10:00 Approx 3 hours Easy Approx 6km

Starting at Geilston Bay we'll take suburban streets to the Natone Hill Reserve and walk around the lower path on the river side enjoying the views. Then down Natone Street Lindisfarne and through Anzac Park and on to the Motor Yacht Club where we will have morning tea (or BYO morning tea to have in Anzac Park). It's then back to the start of the walk via the Foreshore Trail.  

Single Day Hiking Tasman Monument Christine Wilson Thursday 14 November 2024 09:00 5 hours Medium 12k

This is a very enjoyable walk on Bangor Farm and the owner requests that we  pay $10 pp for the privilege. Please bring cash. We drive out over some 20 k of farming roads and leave our vehicles near the coast. We then walk out to beautiful Lagoon Beach, walk the 3k to the end and then follow the coast line of Cape Paul Lamanon to the Monument, which is now over 100 years old and interesting historically. Great views of the coastline and surrounding areas. We return the same way. Opportunities for swimming at this point. This walk consists of beach walking and rough bush tracks, which may be hard to follow in places.

Single Day Hiking Lakes and Falls Hartz Mountain Viv Evans Saturday 16 November 2024 08:30 7-8 hrs with travel Medium Approx 12km

The drive will take us around 1 1/2 hours.  We will start with a short walk out to the Arve Falls Lookout, from there heading to the start of the Hartz Mountain walk. We will have morning tea at the shelter before heading off on the Hartz Mountain Track.  We will go as far as Lake Esperance and Ladies Tarn before heading back to the shelter.  We will then head off for the short walk down to Lake Osbourne.  Lunch stop will be decided on route depending where we are at what time.  Coffee will be at Geeveston if people would like to stop.

Single Day Hiking Hartz Peak and Mt Snowy Tom Finney Tuesday 19 November 2024 07:30 6 hours walking Medium 11km

Loop walk commencing at the picnic shelter at the end of the Hartz Mtn access road.  The walk is a great loop taking in both Hartz and Snowy peaks and passing several attractive tarns along the way.  There is some scree and boulder hopping but nothing too difficult.  More details to be provided- watch this space (or read about it in Walk 9 in John Chapmans Day Walks Tasmania book!)

Single Day Hiking Inverawe Garden Tour Viv Evans Wednesday 20 November 2024 10:00 2-3 hours Easy 2km approximately

We will meet behind the Margate Train and then head into the gardens.  This is 22 acres of landscaped native bush land around the shores of the North West Bay.  The project to transform this site commenced in March 2001 and is an ongoing task.  
There are so many different things to discover around the garden, hidden areas, statues and an abundance of bird life.  You can easily get yourself lost on the various tracks for a couple of hours.  Bring some morning tea to enjoy on the lawns.  After there is the option of heading to the Pancake Train for tea, coffee, ice cream and/or a snack.

As they will be opening just for us I would like to have a minimum of 10 people.  I will confirm entry fee closer to the time.

Single Day Hiking Pierces Hill Sorell Tony Pearce Thursday 21 November 2024 09:30 5 hours Easy - Medium 9

We will car pool to the start of the walk, approx 4 ks from meeting point. We will be walking on private land (permission received) through paddocks and then around Pierces Hill to the top.. ellevation gain approx 200 metres. This will give us magnificent views in all directions.

We will decent Pierces Hill picking up some tracks returning to our cars.We will have morning tea and lunch at selected locations with a view!

This land was owned by my parents as I grew up there, very large playground!

Coffee at Sorell somewhere  afterwards. 

 For those that haven't participated in this walk, its worth it!

Single Day Hiking North Hobart to Sandy Bay via Knocklofty Reserve John Counsell Saturday 23 November 2024 10:00 Around 4.5 hours Easy - Medium Approx 12km

This is an urban walk with a bit of bush in the middle. We'll traverse footpaths, hidden laneways, parklands, fire trails and bush tracks. Whilst graded easy - medium there are lots of uphill sections and some long sets of stairs. Much of the walk is on concrete or bitumen paths so may not suit people with joint problems. Great views of Central Hobart and the Derwent plus interesting architecture and a bit of history. We'll finish at around 2.30pm on the corner of King St and Sandy Bay Road. There is the option of a coffee at the State Cinema cafe (open from 9.30am) before the 10am start. Participants are encouraged to use public transport to and from the walk or make their own arrangements for a car shuttle. The route is the same as a walk in the 2022 program.  

Single Day Hiking Mt Murchison Via Lake Sandra Joseph Roach Saturday 23 November 2024 10:00 2 Days Medium - Hard 15km

We will meet in Queenstown at 10:00am as I will already be there.  We will then head off to the Anthony Rd and the start of the track in to Lake Sandra.  

The track is in fairly good condition, and goes steeply uphill through forest until we break out into the alpine zone, and then we head down to the beach at Lake Sandra.  That is where we will likely camp, though if conditions are good we may choose to camp right on top.  If there is time we might explore out to Mt Moxon.

We will be up early on Sunday for the six hour return trip to Mt Murchison.  This will involve some scrub and route-finding, and some difficult scrambling close to Mt Murchison itself.  On a good day the views along the ridge are absolutely stunning.  To the west is the ocean; to the east, below our feet are a series of small tarns in deep cirques surrounded by ancient forest and thickets of horizontal that has to be experienced to be believed.   

We will return the same way to Lake Sandra, pack up camp and head down to the cars and home. 

Single Day Hiking Wildflower Wander at Mt. Field Susan Gardner Sunday 24 November 2024 08:00 5 hours Medium 12km

The walk starts at Lake Dobson. We will leave a car at Lake Fenton on the way up. We will walk through the Pandani Grove and then pick up the track to Lake Webster. This is a slight downhill walk with plenty of waratahs and orchids to spot. There are old blazes on trees to find as well. On the way we will call into Platypus Tarn and have morning tea at Lake Seal. Then on past Fairy Tarn to lunch at Lake Webster.

 We then take the little used track gradually uphill to Kangaroo Moor with many orchids on the way. To finish off, we wind our way around Lake Fenton.

Category Image Seakayaking, Lune River and Southport Simon Kendrick Sunday 24 November 2024 08:00 4-5 hours + drive Kayaking - River 15-29km paddling

Launch our kayaks from alongside of the road bridge crossing the Lune River, just before the small settlement of Lune River. Paddle down the Lune River into Ida Bay and Hastings Bay, exploring these as we want. Then through The Narrows into Southport and Pelican Island. Pull into Deephole to stretch our legs. Should we want too, walk ~6km to Southport Bluff to check out the George III Monument. Paddle back to our cars the way we came, checking out anything we missed on the mornings paddle. This activity is weather dependent. I have paddle the Lune River before, and walked out to Southport Bluff.

Single Day Hiking Tasman Monument and Cape Frederick Hendrick Christine Wilson Tuesday 26 November 2024 08:30 6 -7 hours Medium 18

This is a very enjoyable walk on Bangor Farm and the owner requests that we  pay $10 pp for the privilege. Please bring cash. We drive out over some 20 k of farming roads and leave our vehicles near the coast. We then walk out to Lagoon Beach, but on the way we'll amble up Cape Frederick Hendrick, a 4k detour, and inspect the splendid coastal views from the trig point. Returning to the main route, we descend to beautiful Lagoon Beach, walk to the end and then follow the coast line of Cape Paul Lamanon to the Monument, which is now over 100 years old and interesting historically. We return the same way. Opportunities for a swim once we get back to Lagoon Beach. This walk consists of beach walking and rough bush tracks, which may be hard to follow in places. 

Single Day Hiking Hartz Peak Pam Taylor Thursday 28 November 2024 08:30 4-6 Hours Medium 10 km

This is an opportunity for Thursday walkers (who like a challenge) to conquer the summit of Hartz peak (1254 metres).  Our pace will be leisurely - no rushing to be first to the summit!  The walk out to Ladies Tarn is relatively flat with quite a bit of boardwalk.  We then need to climb up to the Hartz saddle {short and steep but not too tricky if we go slowly and take care). The track to the summit is good with plenty of rock stepping.  The final 50 metres is a bit of a scramble over rock scree but the view from the top is worth the effort.

If the weather on the day is absolutely awful I will revert to a Plan B walk at Hartz. 

Single Day Hiking Pilchers Hill Circuit Geoff Buckman Sunday 01 December 2024 08:30 5 hrs inc lunch Medium approx 12 km

This circuit will commence near Pilchers Hill. We shall wend our way via old tracks and trails via Caves Hill and then up and over Flagstaff Hill. Taking a trail from the Skyline Trail we shall walk towards Flagstaff Gully and eventually make our way, again via tracks and an old trail, back to our cars. There is a bit of up and down on this walk, some off track,  so is classified Medium. Drinks at either Spencers or Currency in Lindisfarne afterwards for those inclined. 

Single Day Hiking Davids Waratah Walk via Myrtle Gully Jacquie Donovan Tuesday 03 December 2024 09:00 5 Medium 8

We will car pool from our Berriedale Road meeting point to the car park at Myrtle Valley. We will walk up through the forest,  taking either the Collins Bonnet or Collins Cap track, in a loop via the East-West and Collins Cap Trails. We will descend via the other track. On the way we can expect to pass spectacular Waratah blooms and other alpine wildflowers. The climb is steep, with about 600m height gain, and takes us to an elevation of 1100m just below Collins Bonnet.

As we are carpooling, and  it could be warm and this is a strenuous walk can you please bring a change of shirt so that drivers cars are not subjected to sweaty shirts on the upholstery.  Change of footwear and boot bag as usual requirements, it can be muddy in parts.

Single Day Hiking Short walk with lunch, Claremont-Austins Ferry Bev Reardon Wednesday 04 December 2024 10:00 4.5 hours Easy 6 kms approx

We will begin walking behind the Hotel, down Cadbury Rd, through Claremont and on to Austin’s Ferry. This is a relatively short walk but includes some historical spots that I hope will be of interest. A combination of foot path, bike track and easy park walking, no hills! On our return lunch is booked at the Mont Hotel, the previous Claremont Hotel quite recently refurbished. Please let me know, by text, if you are NOT staying for lunch.

Single Day Hiking Wildflower Circuit on kunanyi David Reeve Thursday 05 December 2024 10:00 4.5 hrs Medium 8 km

Waratah and other Summer wildflowers should be spectacular. We will meet at the Lower Springs car park, then car pool to a car park near the start of the Panorama Track, which we will follow to the summit. We'll then descend via the recently renovated Zig-Zag track, tand follow the Organ Pipes Track back to the Chalet and our transport. Morning tea and lunch will be taken at appropriate points along the way. 

Overnight - multi-day Helder / Cawthorne Peter Murphy Saturday 07 December 2024 06:00 3 days Medium - Hard 18

This walk is an exploratory journey to some difficult mountains between the Gordon River Road and Lake Pedder. I’ve heard that  there is some significant scrub along the way. I plan to leave the Gordon River Road in the vicinity of McPartlan Pass to find a route up to some flattish high country near Mount Helder to camp. It looks like about 6 kilometres from the road with a climb of 320 metres. We’ll climb Cawthorn (about 3 kilometres with some undulations from camp)  the next day and go to the top of Helder whenever it makes sense to do so. We may need to carry water up to the campsite. As usual we’ll adjust these plans according to the group’s preferences and the prevailing weather. So it could be a total distance of about 18 kilometres that includes a climb of 320 metres and some undulations.

Single Day Hiking Adamsons, Cow & Calf plus Mesa daywalk Simon Kendrick Sunday 08 December 2024 04:30 12-14 hours + drive Hard 24km

Plan for a big day out, a very big day. Participants must be comfortable with rock and scrub. Preference will be given to people who have previously walked with me on an Alpine daywalk. Initially climb to the summit of Adamson Peak, then follow the ridge to the Cow and Calf, continue following the ridge, negotiating a scrubby saddle and climb to the summit of Mesa. The job is only half done, after a rest and refuel, retrace our route back to the cars. It's going to be a big day out, 24km, 12-14 hours including stops, and a massive 1800m height gain. Originally published for Saturday 7th, but a work commitment on the 7th has necessitated a shift to Sunday 8th.

Single Day Hiking Circuit from Risdon Brook Geoff Buckman Sunday 08 December 2024 09:00 4 hrs Medium 9 km

This walk will depart from the carpark situated at the southern side of Risdon Brook reservoir. It is intended to walk around part of the reservoir then leave it to do a circuit walk that will eventually rejoin the reservoir trail. This will mean going uphill followed by a downhill return. There may be a section of off-track walking so gaitors are advised. Also sun cream and an icepack if you feel inclined (Risdon Brook in December can be warm). The walk will be timed to have morning tea and lunch before our return to cars. Will be left to walkers to choose a cafe if they wish.





Single Day Hiking The Needles and “dragon backbone” Ann Vanderburg Tuesday 10 December 2024 08:00 5-5.5 hrs + drive Medium 5-6 kms

This event is in the South-West, about a half hour drive past Maydena. I’m hoping for lots of wildflowers! We will go up the steep & often muddy & slippery track to the saddle where we’ll have morning tea. Then we head east along the ridgeline - how far depends upon the group and weather conditions. The ridgeline “track” is mostly flat, a bit rough & becomes less distinct the further you go. We’ll have lunch somewhere along the ridge. After that, we retrace our steps. Optional climb to the summit on the way back. Ascent is 450 m. Optional coffee & icecream at Westerway on the way home. 160 km drive all up. 

Single Day Hiking Taroona foreshore Anne Matuszek Wednesday 11 December 2024 10:00 3 hours Easy 5km approx

An easy pre-Christmas walk ending with a light lunch/coffee at the Picnic Basket. 
We will meet at the Taroona Beach car park and follow the foreshore track or the coastline (depending on tides) to Cartwright reserve for coffee/tea/chai at the Helios coffee van, then return to Taroona Beach for those who wish to, we can adjourn to the Picnic Basket for coffee &/or lunch

This walk will include beaches, coastal tracks, suburban streets and possibly rocky foreshore if the tide is low….decisions will be made by the group on the day.

Single Day Hiking Charles Darwin Bellerive Carolyn Davey Thursday 12 December 2024 09:30 5 hours Easy - Medium 12 to 14 Km

We will follow the Charles Darwin Trail starting in Bellerive along the waterfront and across both Bellerive and Howrah beaches , then stop for morning tea . Then head up towards Waverley Flora park following his trail looking at the quarry where we will have lunch before continuing through and into a bit of street walking back to the start , where coffee is available for us weary walkers .

Category Image Pandani Christmas Party David Reeve Friday 13 December 2024 19:00 2.5 Easy 0

Our Annual Christmas Party and awards night. Further details to be added.

Single Day Hiking Mt Wright Joseph Roach Sunday 15 December 2024 06:00 8 hours Hard 12kms

Mt Wright is accessed from the track in to Lake Rhona.  We cross the Gordon River and head due west, with the aim of ascending the ridge to the Mt Wright Arches, and from there to the summit.  The views should be good, though looking on the damage caused by the Gell River fires through the Denisons will be a bit heartbreaking. 

It will be a long day.  Expect button grass, scrub, and a very steep climb to the summit of Mt Wright, and no less steep on the return.

Single Day Hiking Springs - upper Kunanyi circuit including Yellow Paint Track Urszula Stanny Tuesday 17 December 2024 08:30 7 Medium 14

If you enjoy a steep scramble of “190m of up” on rocks, and pushing through scrub over-growing the track as respite from the rocks, then you will find this to be a lot of fun. You will be negotiating some low hanging branches at the start of the Yellow Paint part of the walk.
We will meet and start the walk at the Lower Springs car park, and follow various mountain tracks to the Chalet.
The Yellow Paint track is a little used, unmarked, but reasonably well cairned, track behind the Chalet and ends up near the top of the Panorama track.
I have heard of it as the Yellow Paint track but I’ve never seen signs of Yellow paint .
I have also heard it referred to as the Sassafras track because of a lone sassafras along the route. We did spot that on my last club walk there, but I missed it on my last fun scramble up that way. So it will be something to keep an eye out for.
We’ll head to the summit observation shelter and after lunch come down the ZigZag track and complete a circuit back to the Springs.

Single Day Hiking Christmas walk and lunch Bev Reardon Thursday 19 December 2024 10:00 4-5 hrs Easy 4 kms

From the carpark we will cross the footbridge and walk along Kingston Beach to the Kingston Sailing Club and up to access the Boronia Beach Walking track. We will follow this track through to Boronia Beach where we will enjoy elevenses before returning via the same route to our lunch spot, hopefully in one of the shelter areas but possibly bring a fold up chair in preference to sitting on the ground! As always this can be flexible to suit a busy time of year: walk and share lunch, walk only or lunch only. Come and celebrate the end of another happy year on the track sharing good food with good friends. If you are walking please register but if only coming for lunch just turn up, all welcome!

Single Day Hiking Cathedral Mountain Robyn Tuft Friday 20 December 2024 07:00 3 days Medium - Hard 21

From the end of the Mersey road we will walk up to Chalice Lake and then onto Tent Tarn where we will base ourselves for two nights.  Day 1 involves about 8 km and about 700 m of ascent.  The next  day will involve exploring the surrounding area including particularly Cathedral Mountain and the nearby peaks that overlook the upper Mersey and across towards the Overland Track.  On Day 3 we will retrace our route back to the cars.


Some of the walk is off track. This is not going to go at a fast pace and will allow ample time for savouring the views, botanising or swimming.

Single Day Hiking Leillateah on the Summer Solstice Simon Kendrick Saturday 21 December 2024 04:00 15 hours plus travel Hard 19km

This peak has been on my mind for a while, and after a (fair) bit of encouragement on a previous daywalk, we thought it would make an interesting bookend to South East Cape on the Winter Solstice - Leillateah on the Summer Solstice. Saturday, 21st December, Hobart will have 15 hours 21 minutes and 5 seconds of daylight - we will use all of this and a bit more, if things go right. If things go wrong, we might use some of Sunday as well. Anticipate ~19km, ~847m of elevation gain, ~15 hours, ~8-9 hours ascending, ~6-7 hours descending, lots of Cutting Grass, some Button Grass, enough Scrub to last a while (some over head high), a bit of rock and a nice challenge. Leillateah is between 780m and 790m in height, but its situation should provide interesting views of the Southern Ranges, with The Hippo being just over a valley. I have not climbed Leillateah before, few people have. Becca (Rock Monkey) quoted Aristotle, "The whole being greater than the sum of it's parts", as she reflected on her companions after her ascent and the critical importance of team work and mutual support in successfully completing a challenging climb like this. The guilty parties in this activity appearing on the Program are included in the start team, and limited places are available for Club Members who are (seriously) up for a challenge. Prior Alpine walking experience with members of the start team is a pre-requisite. 

Single Day Hiking Flora Falls Canyoning Simon Kendrick Sunday 22 December 2024 09:00 3-4 hours Medium - Hard 4km

This activity is subject to Committee conformation.

Drive to the ridge above Flora Falls and spend a little time running through gear and technique. Participants should have enough spare room in their daypacks for helmet, harness and abseiling gear (which will be provided). Participants may also be expected to assist with carrying 2x static ropes, tapes and karabiners. Then negotiate the slope down to the creek and follow it to the top of the Falls. There are two drops, from memory 30-40m and 50m. Some time will be spent rigging the ropes, another safety briefing and chat about technique. Then one by one we will abseil down the first rope, transfer to the second rope and abseil the stunning 'free fall' second fall. Once everybody is down, we'll climb back to the top and repeat. Participants must wear helmets while abseiling and at the base of the Falls. A hat or cap may be worn while climbing back to the top of the Falls or waiting your turn. Long hair must be tied back. I would expect everyone to complete three abseils. Patience will be required as there will be a bit of time sitting around waiting 'our turn'. Should this activity get Committee approval it should be the first of 4 or 5 Canyoning activities through Summer and Spring. While no previous abseiling experience will be required, a head for heights will be beneficial as will some experience messing about on rocks ie. Alpine bushwalking. A pootube will be available should anybody be caught short. I have abseiled Flora Falls previously. This activity is weather and Fire Risk dependent.

Single Day Hiking Dave Burrows Walk/Pobblebonk Reserve Gilli Fife Thursday 26 December 2024 10:00 3-4 hours Easy 8-10 km (maybe less)

We will start at Dru Point and walk along to the Esplanade following that to the start of the Dave Burrows Walk which winds its way through natural bushland, the canopy includes eucalypts, casuarinas, wattles and various understory with views across North West Bay to Bruny Island, Coningham and Tinderbox, plus birds, and sea life.  We will stop for morning tea along the way then make our way to the end of the Track, cross the Channel Highway and enter the Pobblebonk Reserve which we circumnavigate returning to the Dave Burrows Walk and hence back to Dru Point, having lunch somewhere along the way.

Category Image Seakayaking, The Iron Pot Simon Kendrick Saturday 04 January 2025 09:00 3-4 houirs Kayaking - Coastal 10-12km

We will launch from the South Arm Boat Ramp. Space is at a premium, so some coordination and patience will be required to get all craft and gear down to the water. Once all the kayaks have been launched we will proceed south along the coast to Seacroft Bay, around Cape Deliverance, across Pot Bay to the Iron Pot. My intention is to circumnavigate the Iron Pot, not land. Then paddle north towards Cape Direction, cutting through the chain of small islands and back into Pot Bay. Because of the exposed nature of this paddle, staying as a group will be paramount. From Pot Bay we will round Cape Deliverance, crossing Seacroft Back back to the boat ramp. Again, coordination and patience will be required to get all craft and gear back to the cars. I have paddled to the Iron Pot a few times. This activity is weather, wind, swell and wave height dependent.

Single Day Hiking Orford Coast Walk Lynne Maher Thursday 09 January 2025 09:00 5 hours Easy - Medium 12-13


We will start near the Orford Park near the Millington Beach Conservation area and walk along Millington's beach, around the headland and East Shelley Beach and along to the end of Spring Beach.

We will return the same way.

It is a combination of beach walking, formed walking tracks, a bit of dirt road and a little bit of across rocks - there are some wonderful sandstone formations.  For anyone not totally confident of balance, walking poles might help here.

If the weather is suitable, a swim might be included.

The pace will be gentle, with time to beachcomb and possibly quite a long lunch break to have fun with the rock pools or swim.

A lovely long cup of coffee, or something, at a cafe near the bridge can round off the day for those so inclined.

Single Day Hiking Slatters Peak, King William II and III Joseph Roach Friday 10 January 2025 06:00 5 days Hard 50kms

An update.  After consulting those who have alert done it, we need a long day to do both KW2 and KW3 in a day from the campsite at Slatters.  I want to keep that option open, though at the same time I would love to explore more of the range - it looks beautiful.  And of the two access options, preference is swinging towards walking in, though in summer perhaps the kayak option might be looked at again.  Currently, though, lake levels are well down.

This trip is aimed squarely at the southern King Williams, with Slatters Peak also on the menu.  There are two main options to get to the range: walk from Harbacks Rd, or kayak.  If you are interested in coming please get in touch asap, and let me know whether kayaking is an option for you or not.  My (marginal) preference is to walk it, as this means we are less weather dependent in terms of getting in, and more particularly, getting home.

I have deliberately opted for a five day trip to give us a chance of exploring the southern plateau a little more.  While most of the walking will be off-track and in places very scrubby, the southern part of the range is reputed to be delightful.  

If you are interested, please get in touch.  I will need to know you are capable for this walk, as success depends on everyone being able to make it.  There are no easy 'outs' from the southern KWs. 


Single Day Hiking The Spires and neighbours Bushwalking Simon Kendrick Saturday 18 January 2025 06:00 10. Days Hard 100km give or take

My initial concept involves accessing The Spires area via Lake Gordon using Seakayaks, then initially walking north before swinging west. We will be aiming to climb all Conical Mountain, Innes High Rocky, Flame Peak, Double Spires, High Spires, False Dome, The Camel, White Pyramid and Curly. But the final trip details and itinerary will be negotiated between team members, taking into consideration individual goals and the weather forecast.

Single Day Hiking Mt Frederick Daywalk Simon Kendrick Sunday 02 February 2025 07:00 6 hours plus travel Medium - Hard 7km

We'll leave Hobart early and drive out to South Weld Road, via Huonville and Judbury, the latter part of the drive will be on dirt roads.  Driving as close the Mt Frederick as Forestry operations will allow, before parking the car(s) and continuing on foot. Anticipate about 500m of height gain, through untracked forest before attaining the 921m high summit. Be advised I have not climbed Mt Frederick before.


Single Day Hiking Festival of Maccas Belinda Jefferies Friday 07 February 2025 15:00 3 days, 3 nights Rural Varied

The Festival of Maccas is back to celebrate the local area of Kooparoona Niara, the Palawa name for the Great Western Tiers and means ‘Mountains of the Spirits’. Mole Creek is our base camp and there is fabulous walking available in the area.

The plan is to have tent based camping at our property in Mole Creek (Maccas Shed) and walk, relax and enjoy the local area.

You will need to bring camping equipment as no accommodation is provided. If you would rather not camp there are many local accommodations options available including the Wandering Trout, Blackwood Park and others.

There will be a camp kitchen set up with hot and cold running water, gas cookers, fridge and a BBQ. Again, there are lots of local food options if you would rather not "rough it". There will be limited refrigeration so please bring eskies, ice is available at the local supermarket and pub.

Please bring camp chairs, blankets to make yourselves at home. Also bring your bathers as the local pool may be open if the weather is nice!

The walk program will be listed separately and you are required to register for the walks separately to this registration. Priority will be given to those who participate in the walks not just those who wish to camp as we have limited facilities on site.

A cover charge of $5 per person, per day will be required to cover cost of power, gas and portable toilets.

Hope to see you all soon!

Single Day Hiking FoM - Twilight adventure on the Yeates Track (South Mole Creek Track) Belinda Jefferies Friday 07 February 2025 15:30 5-6 hours Medium 8km

Yeates Track, also know locally as the South Mole Creek Track, is historically important access to the Great Western Tiers and the Chudleigh Lakes system. It was a stock route and tourist route, as well as access for local sawmillers in more recent times (50 years!) and likely used by the local Pallittorre people for centuries before this.

A wide easy to follow track it gradually climbs to the Central Plateau Conservation Area through beautiful forest on to the flat and wild peaks of this area. We will find a sheltered spot with a view to enjoy dinner and sunset before heading back in twilight to the cars.

There are several vantage points where we can look down on to the township of Mole Creek and more importantly view Macca Shed from on high.

All members who register for the Festival of Maccas are welcome to attend this opening walk, the terrain is bouldery only for a short section at the top and the uphill walking is approx 2 hours of gradual incline.

Single Day Hiking Maria Island by Seakayak Simon Kendrick Saturday 08 February 2025 08:00 3 Days Kayaking - Coastal 20km paddling +

Drive to Orford and on to Rheban Beach. After unloading and packing the kayaks we'll launch into Carrickfergus Bay, paddling along Rheban Beach to Sandpit Point and Lachlan Island. Crossing the Mercury Passage to Point Lesueur, Edina Point and landing at Encampment Cove to camp for two nights. On Sunday we can either paddle across Shoal Bay, around South Maria Island to Riedle Bay as a day trip, or walk across McRaes Isthmus to South Maria Island to explore on foot. Monday we will break camp, repack the kayaks and paddle back over the Mercury Passage to our cars. Note; I haven't paddled to Maria Island before, but have been thinking about this trip for a while. Participants will be required to demonstrate basic paddling and self rescue competency prior to the trip. This activity is weather, wave and swell dependent. 

Single Day Hiking FoM - Winterbrook Falls Belinda Jefferies Saturday 08 February 2025 08:30 5 hours Medium 10km

Winterbrook Falls is in the Black Bluff region and is one of Tasmania's largest waterfalls. It is probably best viewed in Winter when there are higher volumes of water but it has long been on the list and so a perfect time to give it a shot.

The track as I understand it is fairly well marked in most place and starts of with a gradual incline as it used to be an old tramway. Closer to the falls it becomes steeper and more alpine vegetation. I have not walked this track before.

As the climate around Bluff Range is very changeable please bring full wet weather gear and layers as we may start out in sunchine and end in rain or vice versa!

We will have approximately 1.5 hours drive in each direction to get to the start of this walk in South Nietta.

Single Day Hiking Badger Range Jeanette Kelly Saturday 08 February 2025 08:30 Tba Medium tba


Single Day Hiking FoM - Mt Pillinger via Maggs Spur (Abel 76) Belinda Jefferies Sunday 09 February 2025 08:00 5-6 hours Medium 10km+

Mt Pillinger on the February Plains overlooking the Mersey River valley is one of the peaks you see as you walk up the Arm River.

Instead of accessing it via the Arm River, we will take the alternative route off the Maggs Spur which I find much less steep and seems to get you closer to the start of the peak approach. I walked this track earlier in the year.

The landscape is full of ancient pencil pines and is stunning.

The climb to the summit of Mt Pillinger if fairly short, but sharp and if a clear day will provide views that go on and on.

I have graded this medium (rather than medium-hard) due to the reasonably short track but with several steep sections including some rocky terrain as we near the summit.

Single Day Hiking FOM - Devil’s Gullet & Sandy Lake Hut Ann Vanderburg Sunday 09 February 2025 09:00 4 hrs? + drive Easy About 9 kms

Devil’s Gullet Lookout ( near Lake Mackenzie) is reached by taking a short, well-formed track. Elevation gain is 200m. Spectacular views include Cradle Mountain- Lake St Clair World Heritage Area, Mt Ossa & Walls of Jerusalem. 

Nearby is the track to Sandy Lake Hut . This replica was built by  the Mountain Huts Preservation Society. The track is relatively flat, but a bit rocky in parts & follows the shoreline of Lake Mackenzie to the Hut’s location on a peninsula between Lady Lake Bay & Pine Marsh Bay. We retrace our steps to return to the cars. 

Single Day Hiking Mount Brown - Crescent Beach Jacquie Donovan Tuesday 11 February 2025 08:30 4 Hrs Easy - Medium 8 km


The track to the summit of Mount Brown is steep with the view from the top well worth the effort.  Gazing out over the blue ocean in clear weather you’ll have spectacular views of Cape Raoul, Cape Pillar and Tasman Island. 

Start this walk from the Remarkable Caves car park and head along the Maingon Blowhole Track. 

The track winds along the coast from Maingon Blowhole  until you will reach a junction. From here either turn north-east to towards Crescent Bay or continue south to climb Mount Brown. The main track stops about half way up to the summit.  

If you are keen to reach the trig point at the top, the ascending track toward the summit is quite steep and requires some clambering over rocks. This part of the track is recommended for moderately fit walkers.

Return to the car by the same route. We should have time for a coffee, will decide on the day.

Single Day Hiking The Hazards Overnight Simon Kendrick Saturday 15 February 2025 07:00 2 days Medium - Hard 5km

I must confess I got this idea from a Youtube video. Drive to Coles Bay and on to Sleepy Bay, Freycinet National Park, leaving a car at the main Car Park. Saturday afternoon climb Mt Parsons 331m and Mt Baudin 413m. Taking our time to explore the area and take photographs. Find an overhang or rock shelter to bivy under. Watch both sunset and sunrise. Sunday continue the traverse to Mt Dove 485m and Mt Amos 454m, again taking our time to explore and take photographs, before dropping down the track to the main car park. Retrieve the car(s) from Sleepy Bay and drive back to Hobart, stopping for a late lunch on the way. Note; while I've climbed all five peaks of The Hazards, I haven't completed the Hazards Traverse before. As the Pink Granite of The Hazards is treacherous in the wet, dry conditions will be required.